By: Karen Abbott
Chicago naughty girls and those who love them will inhale "Sin in the Second City," a scintillating book about the Everleigh Club, the most famous and decadent brothel in America run by sisters of the same name. Though the book is non-fiction, author Karen Abbott writes history like it's a novel, taking readers back to 1900, when the Everleigh sisters tried to revolutionize the world's oldest profession by making it upscale, only to find themselves flaming a culture war that not even the public figures and gangsters they'd entertained could stop.
"Sin in the Second City" is a time capsule of a fabulous and vibrant, yet corrupt Chicago wherein a notorious house of pleasure and a colorful cast of characters flourished for a decade amongst bloodthirsty competition before falling to a Christian-led backlash against prostitution. While the book and the Everleigh Club itself are so steeped in the peculiarities of Victorian-era Chicago, some the conflicts between differing parts of society reflect part of today's world.
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